Posted by Roger Veary
This was the first meeting in the new Rotary Year, and Pres. Max presided over a Club Forum at which many topics were covered. Amongst the subjects discussed were:
  • Membership – how we can expand our numbers and how we can keep costs down so that individuals are not put under financial stress.
  • Ways and means of funding a replacement surf boat for the Perth Surf Life Saving Club.
  • The busy programme that we have for Youth in our community, and how we can spread the load amongst our members to make everything work efficiently. The Driver Training is looking for a suitable venue nearby, and possibilities are being looked at.
  • The Social Committee is organising a number of attractive activities, and will look at outings to the country when circumstances permit.
  • We need a couple of members to help with computer set-up from time to time, as well as stand-by assistance for work on the front desk.
  • It was suggested that we consider Costco Business Membership for our Club so that we can get relevant supplies at a good price.
  • Libby wants 1 item from each member please for a Hamper to be raffled at the Four Way Speaking Competition which is to be held on 31st July.