This project was initiated by Rotary Dalkeith and is now supported by the Rotary Clubs of Crawley, Matilda Bay, Western Endeavour, Mosman Park/Cottesloe and now Cambridge. The non-perishable food collected is delivered to Foodbank. This year 6448kg was collected altogether.
The Cans for Christmas Project is one that was initiated a few years ago by Rotary Dalkeith and is supported by five other clubs of which Rotary Cambridge is one. The project involved distributing flyers and reusable plastic bags to households in the Floreat area on 28 November and collecting those bags that had been filled and put out at the letterbox on 08 December. The club managed to collect 686kg of canned and other non-perishable foodstuffs. When added to the collections made by the other clubs, the total collection amounted to 6448kg. An awesome effort!