This time the topic was the protection of flora and fauna in the context of our urban areas, and we enjoyed two speakers – Michelle Davies, Environment Officer at Western Power and Lisa Edwards, an Executive Director of WA Loves Nature. Michelle outlined the threat that power lines pose to possums and birds and vice versa. Western Power starts a process as soon as a report is received about an outage, the death of fauna, and/or the destruction of flora, and the resultant data leads to the implementation of measures to avoid such incidents and to protect our wildlife. Michelle explained that threatened species are given priority in these plans. Examples of this are the installation of possum guards on the overhead network, providing rope bridges over busy thoroughfares such as Caves Road, and burying power lines underground. Lisa then explained that WA Loves Nature was established to support urban biodiversity, and this can be done by providing attractions for our native bees, our butterflies and birds, and other fauna and flora generally. Examples of this are by planting things such as the shrub/small tree called Jacksonia (known as stinkwood) which attracts birds, bees and butterflies such as the Western Jewel (which in turn interacts with ants to assist in its breeding cycle), by creating bee hotels in suburban gardens, and by providing birds with safe areas in which to nest. This not-for-profit organisation also goes about showcasing our biodiversity by setting up trails and displays around our populated areas. Examples of these are a trail that starts at City West Station, moves through West Perth, and lands up in King’s Park, and a micro-forest in Victoria Park.